Record a series of actions to create an automation

Fake Click is Visually's powerful automation tool. It allows you to record a set of interactions on your store and apply it as default for your users. Use Fake Click to auto-apply coupon codes for a specific audience or to test different settings to find the best default.
Common Uses
Coupon code auto-apply (Shopify Plus only) - Record yourself doing the following actions on behalf of the user on the checkout page:
Type in a valid coupon code
Click the CTA button to apply the code
- Default Size or Color - Record your selection of size or color, even if you already have a default, to establish it as the new default.
Expand or Collapse - Reverse the default behavior of expanded and collapsed sections, such as the product description on the product page and the order summary section in the cart.
Change collection page layout - Change the default layout of your collection page, to test which works best - a grid or a list (1 product in a row VS 2 products in a row)
* For themes that include a layout button on the collection pages -
Image - Easily set another image from the gallery as the default, using the "Fake Click" widget by simply recording yourself swiping to the desired image. For example, set the second product image as the default or make the third slide of a carousel the first slide the user sees, by "faking" the clicks to reach the desired picture.
Set the automation
Click the "Start" button to start recording your actions
Hover the element you wish to "fake click" until it's colored yellow, and click on it
Choose from the options:
Fake Click
Type text
Scroll To Element
Continue to create the desired sequence of actions, and click the pause symbol to stop recording when you're done
To test your recording, click on "Play"