How to create a redirect A/B test?

1.  Click on Pages section

2. Navigate to the Custom URL option  located at the bottom of the list

Screenshot 2024-04-10 at 21.28.05

3. Set a page URL that includes the domain you are redirecting from, and add another rule to exclude the page URL you are redirecting to:

4. Click on the "Add new" blue button

5. Choose the "CODE BLOCKS" Section (it's located on the bottom of the list)

6. Now, choose the "GLOBAL JAVA SCRIPT" option out of the three options

7. Copy the following code:

// e.g:
const url = ``;

*Notice that the `_USE_CASE_CTX` variable will be injected on runtime and should not be set by you.

8. Replace the "" in the second line, to the page you want your page to redirect to

9. Click on "Save"

10. Please note that this experience will work to the device you've selected, in order to test both mobile and desktop you'll need to create separate experiences

11. Now you can choose to A/B test your redirect as you would do with any other experience on!