How to customize the new checkout extensibility

Discover how to optimize your checkout page with Shopify's new checkout extensibility feature.

Before we start

In order to create Visually experiences for the new Checkout Extensibility feature, be sure to add Visually app blocks on the Shopify Checkout Editor.

Feel free to check our detailed guide to enable checkout extensibility on Visually.


Please note!

The Checkout Extensibility feature is restricted to particular elements and interactions, aligning with Shopify's latest policy and the standardization of the checkout process. This article will delve into the current capabilities available.

Rest assured, we will keep our guides updated with any future changes or additional possibilities that may arise.

Creating an experience for Checkout

Start by creating a new experience > click on 'Pages' > click on 'Checkout Page'

Define the parameters

When setting up parameters for this experience, similar to other Visually experiences, you have the flexibility to define the audience and devices targeted. The trigger will default to 'On Page Load'.

  • Audience: Specify who should view this experience.
  • Devices: Choose which devices should display this experience.

Select an app block

Based on the app blocks you have integrated into the Shopify Checkout Editor, you will be able to choose and customize a specific section within the Visually editor.

Simply click on one of the pink blocks in the preview window to select your desired position.


Select a widget

For Checkout Extensibility, you have a variety of options available to you.


Content Blocks

Content blocks are stationary messages or images with various layout options.

Product upsells

These dynamic product recommendations offer suggestions to add additional items to the cart, ultimately boosting the Average Order Value (AOV).

You can customize these strategies just as you would for any other type of page.



Actions are behind-the-scenes modifications that influence the behavior of your checkout page.


Design options

While you can still create and customize your content and upsell widgets with the new checkout extensibility feature, it's important to note that Shopify's standardization of the checkout process has limited the design options to a specific set of settings.

Don't forget that you can conduct A/B testing on Checkout experiences just like any other experience, allowing you to explore different variations in the design of your widgets.